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教学设计M 3 U1 What are they doing?-泸县天兴小学 曾红

来源: 发布时间:2021-04-13 16:24:13 浏览次数: 【字体:




能认读单词boat,row,dragon,drink,soya milk,chess;能用句型 What are they doing?询问他人正在做什么,并能用句型 They're+v-ing...描述他人正在做的事情。

2.学习能力: 能在图片、语言等的提示帮助下快速学习目标

3.思维品质: 培养学生多留心观察生活意识。



能用句型 What are they doing? 询问他人正在做什么 并能用句型 They're+v-ing...描述他人正在做的事情。


希沃白板 5、pictureswords cards.


 Step I Warm-up and lead-in



Reading,reading,reading a book;

Riding,riding,riding a bike;

Flying,flying,flying a kite;

Taking,taking,taking a picture

 Step II presentation

1.Now lets have a rest and watch a video.播放活动1的动画。学生观看后,师问:There are some kids in the park,what are they doing?板书。出示听音乐的图片,引导学生回答-They're___.教读句子。然后出示踢足球图片,师问What are they doing? S: They're playing foottball.

2.In the park,we can see lots of interesting things. Let's go with Amy and Daming.

3.The first thing is:播放太极拳视频(people do taijiquan)) T: What are they doing?

S:They're... T: They're doing taijiquan.(Teach the phrase  doing taijiquan 个别读,几人读;看图片读,练习问答)适时给与学生表扬。

4.Lets go on to see the next thing.出示boat 图片,教学boat,然后出示龙舟图片,whats this?教学dragon, 及dragon boat,个别读,开火车读,大小声读。师问what are they doing?引导生说 theyre....  Students read the phrase and do the action of rowing a dragon boat following me. Watch the video and check the answer.

5.How about the next thing? Please watch and listen.( T: Look, what's this? T:chess. Teach the word. T:  What are they doing? T&S: They're... They're playing chess. (Teach the phrase play chess and playing chess.)

6.There are lots of interesting things. Then we can see:look at the pictures.( drink soya milk)

出示图片教学soya milk 动作教学drink drinking 播放动画 What are they doing? T&S: They're... They're drinking soya milk.  Do the action of drinking and say the word following me.


1. 小结  

2. Game: whats missing? 出示该短语的图片。

3. Group work四人一组,两人表演,一人用句型What are they doing? 问,另一人用Theyre...回答. 两分钟时间准备。

    StepIV lets enjoy a video.欣赏太极拳

StepV Homework and Summary 

1. Try to read the text and find out the unknown words.

2. 课后注意观察人们都在干什么,试着用今天我们所学的句型来描述。
